
Are dental implants affected by MRIs?

No, undergoing an MRI with dental implants is considered safe. However, if you have dentures on a metallic plate, we might ask you to remove them for optimal image quality.

What type of machine do you use for MRI scans?

We use both 1.5T and 3T machines to optimize the benefits of both machines. While 1.5T machines are used for comprehensive Whole Body MRI, 3T are used for detailed scans of specific body parts, i.e. knee joints & brain.

What Sets Whole Body MRI Apart?

Technology – Besides meticulously planned SOPs, our biggest USP is the latest MRI machines we utilize for scans. Unlike anyone in the industry, We have both 1.5T and 3T machines to provide 360-degree scanning for every situation. Turnaround Time – With our seamless process integration and advanced infrastructure, we can take the entire whole-body scan … Read more

How can I schedule an appointment?

You can easily schedule an appointment through our website by clicking “Book Your Scan” at the top right corner or here. Alternatively, you can contact us at +1-647-910-2639 or send an email to info@wholebodymri.ca

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647-910-2639 info@wholebodymri.ca